High Water
Michael Thomas Hill, Indigo Hanlee, Lightwell & Event EngineeringWhere: Green Square – Sydney
Artist: Michael Thomas Hill, Indigo Hanlee
Collaborators: Lightwell
Year: 2018
Artist: Michael Thomas Hill, Indigo Hanlee
Collaborators: Lightwell
Year: 2018
The artwork is a 9 metre two-sided blade with high resolution LED screens which will graphically interpret local weather patterns and tidal information using integrated sensors and live data feeds.
[cwp_hq_et_pb_baslider _builder_version=”3.8″ src=”https://www.eventengineering.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/high-water-long-before.jpg” src2=”https://www.eventengineering.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/high-water-long.jpg” _i=”0″ _address=”″ /]
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