Halo Maintenance

Partridge, City of Sydney & Event Engineering

Client: City of Sydney
Site: Central Park, Sydney 
Team: Event Engineering, Partridge, Innovation Composites, Gillespie Cranes

Halo is a windpowered kinetic sculpture in Central Park Sydney. It consists of a 12-metre diameter tapered yellow ring held by a 6 metre long silver cantilevered arm pivoting off-centre atop a 13 metre high angled silver mast. The arm also serves as a sail, allowing the ring to turn and tilts in response to live winds. 

After three years aloft, this unique structure required it’s first maintenance inspection which included the installation of a new and improved bearing component by mechanical engineer Arran Gordon. The overall inspection proved to be a success, with a lot of new information gained about the realities of this one-of-a-kind kinetic sculpture.

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