Event Engineering News
Dear All,
During this uncertain and challenging time we wanted to assure our valued clients that we are open for business and available for support and advice throughout.
The COVID-19 pandemic and resultant government mandated restrictions have largely shutdown the events, theatre and film industries and our thoughts are with those affected.
We are, like you, attempting to adapt to this new reality.
We have implemented on site protocols to ensure we are able to complete timely maintenance and installation projects while fully implementing government directives.
We have introduced flexible work arrangements for our staff and a range of technologies to maintain good communication between our design, engineering and drafting departments and clients and continue civil, residential, government and public art works.
You will notice that our payment terms have changed for new projects to necessarily improve cashflow for the business.
Event Engineering is committed to providing excellent service to our clients and stable work for our staff and appreciate your understanding and ongoing support.
The Event Engineering Team
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